
Any data type is used to assign any type of value to the variables. It is useful in the case where either the actual type is not known or types are needed to be dynamically assigned. Thus for undefined type, the default type will be always set to any .

Any type can be defined with the members such as type, default, choices, anyOf, optional, and null . Schema of any TypeDef should be written as,

TypeDef Schema

type?     : {string, default: any, choices: [any]},
default?  : any,
choices?  : [any],
anyOf?    : [$memberDef],
null?     : {bool, default: F},
optional? : {bool, default: F}

The TypeDef schema ensures the validity of any MemberDefs.


As with most of the types in Internet Object, the first member of typedef is type. The next snippet shows different ways to define the members a, b, and c as any.

# Type set to any
a, b: any, c: {type: any}


The second member in the any typedef is default . Here is how the default values can be defined.

# Set default value for a and b
a?: {any, Monday}, b?: {any, default: N}

Here, the default value for a is Monday and default value for b is null .


The choices restricts the member to be strictly bound with the unique constant values. If set, the choices must be an array of any type of value. The code snippet shows how choices can be defined for the any type.

# Defining choices for member
a: {any, choices: [1, One, 2, Two, 3, Three]}


In some cases, a member must accept different kinds of values. Such as, a number could be a multiple of 3 or a multiple of 5; they could be a string or number but not that of other types; two different formats of the schema. TheanyOf allows schema designers to define members that can accept different kinds of constrained values. It accepts an array of MemberDef and/or schema and types.

member: {any, anyOf?: [$memberDef, type, schema]}

This snippet explains how a , b and c can accept various kinds of values.

# Can accept multipole of 5 or multiple of 3
a: {any, anyOf: [{int, multipleOf: 5}, {int, multipleOf: 3}]},

# Can accept string or number values
b: {any, anyOf: [string, number]

# Can accept any of two type of address!
c: {any, anyOf: [{city, state}, {street, city, state}]}


When set null to true, a member can accept null values. Here are some of the ways through which a member of any type can accept null values.

# Set default value of a, b, c, d to null
a*, b*: any, c: {any, null: T}, d: {any, null: true}


When set optioanl to true, a member can be marked as optional. Here are some of the ways through which a member of any type can be made optional.

# Set a, b, c, and d to optional
a?, b?: any, c: {any, optional: T}, d: {any, optional: true}


Some of the valid examples of members with any are...

# The members a, b, and are by default assigned the any type.
a, b, c

# The name is any and default value is null
name: {any, N}

# The numWord can accept any string or number value.
numWord: {any, anyOf: [string, number]} 

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