Internet Object Document

The Internet Object format is a document-oriented format that emphasizes the separation of header and data. This structure is similar to that of HTML, and MIME, where the header is kept separate from the data or body.

In a typical Internet Object document, the header is optional but can be used to define schemas and definitions. The header may be followed by a data section, which must be separated from the header by the data separator "---". The following is a valid Internet Object structure.

Internet Object Document Examples

Full Document

If an Internet Object document includes both a header and a data section, they must be separated by the --- operator. This requirement ensures that the header and data are clearly delineated and can be processed independently by the recipient of the document.

name, age:int, address: {street, city, state}, active # Header
--- # Data Separator
John Doe, 25, {Bond Street, New York, NY}, T # Data 

Data-only Document

When an Internet Object document contains only a data section, it may or may not include a data separator. In such cases, it is up to the sender and recipient to agree on how to handle the document. If the document does not include a data separator, the recipient should assume that the entire document is a data section.

John Doe, 25, {Bond Street, New York, NY}, T # Data section
~ John Doe, 25, {Bond Street, New York, NY}, T
~ Jane Done, 48, {Malibu Point 10880, Malibu, CA}

Header-only Document

If an Internet Object document contains only a header section, it must end with a data separator. This is because if the document does not include a data separator, the parser will interpret the header section as data, which may lead to errors or other issues. By including the data separator at the end of the header section, the parser can correctly identify the end of the header and the start of the data section.

~ reocordCount: 0
~ pageSize: 10
~ currentPage: 1
~ nexPage: N
~ prevPage: N

In many cases, a query-generating document may not yield any results. Overall, the inclusion or omission of the data separator in data-only or header-only documents underscores the flexibility and adaptability of the Internet Object format.

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