
A boolean data type is used to assign boolean values to the variable i.e True and False. A boolean can be defined with the members such as type, default, optional and null. Schema of the array TypeDef should be written as,

TypeDef Schema

type?     : {string, choices: [bool]} 
default?  : bool,
optional? : {bool, F},
null?     : {bool, F}

The TypeDef schema ensures the validity of bool MemberDefs.


The first member of the bool typedef is type. The next snippet shows how to define a boolean type. We can pass only two values i.e true or false. It can be represented as T, true, F, false.

# Set type to bool 
a: bool, b: {type: bool}


The next member of the bool typedef is default. The code snippet shows how to define a default for the bool type. The default values are used during the processing of data/instructions if a value is not provided for a key.

# Boolean a and b with default value set to false
a?: {bool, false}, b?: {bool, default: false}


A member can be marked as optional. If optional is set to true. The value of an optional must be boolean type i.e true or false. Here, are some ways the the member of bool type can be marked as optional.

# Boolean a and b set to optional
a?: bool, b?: {bool, optional: true}


When null is set to true, a member can accept null values. The following snippet shows how to set a member of the bool type to null.

# Set a, b so that it will accept null values  
a*: bool, b*: {bool, null: true }


Here are some valid examples of members with bool type...

# The members accOpen and verified are assign to bool type
accOpen: bool, Verified: {type: bool}

# The exServicemen is of bool type and default value is false
exServicemen: {bool, false}

# The regClose is set to optional and null.
regClose?*: {bool, optional: true, null: true} 

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