
A number type can be defined with the members such as type, default, choices, min, max, multipleOf, divisibleBy, optional and null. Schema of the number TypeDef should be written as,

TypeDefs Schema

type?       : {number, 
  choices: [number, int, int16, int32, byte]},
default?    : number,
choices?    : [number],
min?        : number,
max?        : number,
multipleOf? : number,    
divisibleBy?: number,
null?       : {bool, F}
optional?   : {bool, F}

The TypeDef schema ensures the validity of number MemberDefs.


The first member of the typedef is type. The number can be of type number or its derived types i.e int, int16, int32, byte. Here the next snippet shows how the number type and its derived types can be defined.

# Set type to number
a: {type: number} 
# OR 
a: number
# Defining number derived types

# Set type to int
a: int, 

# Set type to int16
b: int16, 

# Set type to int32
c: int32, 

# Set type to byte
d: byte, 


The second member in the number typedef is default . Here is how the default values can be defined for a number.

# Assign default value for a as 1.
a: {number, default: 1, optional: T}

# Set b with a null default
b: {number, default: N, optional: T, null: T}

Rules for default:

  1. The default value is applicable only if no other value is provided for the key.

  2. If for a key, null is set to true then it must be replaced by its default value.

  3. The default value when set must match with the data type of a key.


The choices can be added to member variables in numbers so that the input values are restricted to the fixed set of available choices. Choices must be an array of numbers. The code snippet shows how to add choices.

# Adding choices 
a: {number, choices: [234, 245, 456, 324]}


The max represents the maximum value of a key, that must be a number. The numeric instance max is valid only if its value is less than or equal to the value of the max. Here is the snippet that shows how to set max value for a number.

# Set max: 25 for a number
a: {number, max: 25}


The min represents the minimum value of a key, that must be a number. The numeric instance min is valid only if its value is greater than or equal to the value of the min. Here is the snippet that shows how to set min value for a number.

 # Set min: 3 for a number
 a: {number, min: 3}


The multipleOf is used to restrict the value to multiples of a given number. The Value of multipleOf must be a positive integer. The code snippet shows how to restrict the input value to the multiple of the desired number.

 # Set member def multipleOf: 5 for number
 a: {number, multipleOf: 5}


The divisibleBy is used to restrict the value to divisible by of a given number as shown below.

 # Set member def divisibleBy: 5 for a number
 a: {number, divisibleBy: 5}


The member of a number type can be set to optional. Here is the code snippet that demonstrates how a number can be set to optional.

# Set number to optional
a?: number

# Assign otional: true to number
a?: {number, optional: true}

# Set number to optional using optional and null
a?: {number, default: N, null: T}


A number when set to null: true will accept null values. The snippet below shows how to set a nullable number.

# Set number to null 
a*: {number, null: true}


Here are some of the examples that demonstrate how to define number member definition.

# Add choices to subjectCode 
subjectCode: {number, choices: [234, 245, 456, 324]}
 # Set max value for age
  age: {number, max:25}, 
~  18 # valid
~  25 # valid
~  35 # invalid as the value is greater than max value
# Set min value for age 
  age: {number, min: 18}, 
~ 25, Male # valid
~ 17, Male # invalid
# Set multipleOf: 5 for the input value of rollNo
rollNo: {number, multipleOf: 5}
~ 10 # valid
~ 25 # valid
~ 30 # valid
~ 95 # valid
~ -10 # valid
~ 34 # invalid
~ 12 # invalid
# Set divisibleBy: 12 for a rollNo
rollNo: {number, divisibleBy: 12}
~ 48 # valid
~ 60 # valid
~ 96 # valid
~ 120 # valid
~ -36 # valid
~ 8 # invalid
~ 55 # invalid
#Set age to optional
age?: {type: number, default: 1, optional: true, max: 30}
 # Set age to null
 age*: {type: number, default: 1, null: true, max: 30}
# Set age to optional with default: 1 and max: 30
age?*: { number, 
        default: 1, 
        optional: true,
        null: true,  
        max: 30}
~ 20 #valid
~ 30 #valid
~ N  #valid
~ 15 #valid

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